PrivateSchoolExam: Test prep system
Over 1 million students apply for private schools each year. Admision to private shcool is extremely competitive and most schools reject up to 80% of all applicants. Parents often pay $70 – $125 per hour for private ISEE and SSAT tutors.
Do you think that your son or daughter can be ready after 3 months of spending $85/hour for a private tutor?
PrivateSchoolExam will help your child to be ready for this important entrance exam.
There are two admission tests predominately used by Private Middle and High schools. Students will take either the ISEE (Independent School Entrance Exam) or SSAT (Secondary School Admission Test), depending on the school they are applying to. PrivateSchoolExam is an online test preparation site that helps students ace the ISEE and SSAT tests. The website provides the most comprehensive tools used to help children prepare for the critical admission tests for independent and private schools. Admission to these schools is highly competitive, so outstanding test scores are vital.
PrivateSchoolExam offers a specialized admission test preparation system developed by a group of educators and the best ISEE and SSAT tutors. This engaging, high-tech program is delivered via online video training and includes more than 500 questions covering math, essay writing, reading comprehension, analogies, synonyms and sentence completion. These experts will also reveal secrets they usually only share with high-paying clients. This web site will level the playing field and help students from all backgrounds do well on these exams.
PrivateSchoolExam‘s system is guaranteed to maximize test scores and increase a child’s chances of getting admitted to highly competitive independent and private schools, all for a low price of $99.
At $99, PrivateSchoolExam costs less than 1 hour with a private tutor. Your child will receive over 8 hours of lectures that he can listen to over and over at his convenience, and over 500 practice questions that he can work through until he are able to ace each question.
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